
Nenagh Convicted Rapist Guilty Of Murder

Nenagh Killer James Citro formally James Kennedy

A Nenagh born convicted rapist has been found guilty of murdering a woman in north London, back in 1998.

James Citro, aged 54, was found guilty of murdering Miss Nijole Siskeviciene, aged 44, at the Old Bailey in London.

The Tipperary man, who was convicted of two rapes in Nenagh and County Tipperary, was jailed for 10 years in 1979.  In both rape cases his victims were held or throttled around the neck.

Judge David Paget said Citro, who changed his name from Kennedy by deed poll in 2003, would be given a life term, but he had to consider the minimum years he must serve for his crime. Citro was remanded in custody for a psychiatric report, before his final sentencing, which is expected in December.

Citro, who was not arrested for over 12 years following this murder, was taken into custody following suspected drink-driving in July last year. His DNA was taken and matched to this October 1998 murder in north London.

Police are now appealing for any victims of assaults, either here or in England, that may have been carried out by this same man, to please come forward. Detective Superintendent Keith Niven stated that victims should understand that Citro has now been convicted of murder and is no longer at liberty to further offend.


3 comments to Nenagh Convicted Rapist Guilty Of Murder

  • Tom Ryan

    Sooo glad that he has finally been convicted. We were living in Wembley at the time of the murder and the body of the victim was left at the back of our house.

  • Jack Luxon

    James, and his wife Gina, lived next door to me prior to moving to Abbots Close. Just after they moved Gina sadly died. She always seemed to be very nervy and I can’t help wondering if she was aware that James had murdered while they were living in Wembley, or whether she was aware of his former Irish criminal activities.

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