
Volunteer Management Training Offered

The Source

Executive Librarian Miss Ann Marie Brophy at Thurles Library, The Source, Cathedral Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, informs us that the Europe Direct Information Centre (based in Thurles Library), in conjunction with South Tipperary Volunteer Centre, is offering a free Volunteer Management Training course to community based and not for profit organisations here in North Tipperary.

This year is the European Year of Volunteering and to cap a successful run of events, Europe Direct Thurles is now pleased to run this important training session in North Tipperary.

This course is divided into 4 modules and delivered over 2 sessions. These sessions will take place in Thurles Library on Tuesday 22nd and Tuesday 29th November, from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Light refreshments at both events will be provided.

On completion of the training participants will be armed with a toolkit of systems, policies and procedures to address current and potential future issues regarding the engagement and management of volunteers in the organisation.

Module 1: Planning for Volunteer Involvement & Developing Volunteer Role Descriptions

Module 2: Volunteer Recruitment, Selection & Induction

Module 3:Volunteer Support & Supervision

Module 4: Designing & Implementing a Volunteer Policy.

Please Note: If you or your organisation would like to book a place on this course, please contact Ann Marie Brophy or Lorraine Treacy at Europe Direct Thurles Library on: Phone: 0504 29720 or Email:

Photo courtesy G. Willoughby.


2 comments to Volunteer Management Training Offered

  • Katie O.Connell. Knott

    George. Ann Marie Brophy and Thurles Library are to be commended on this brillient idea of the “Volunteer Management Course” I can’t believe its free. One would never get such an opportunity here. I am very interested in the outcome of this course and how Ann Marie got it set up. This is the type of course we would love to set up for some of our members. Any ideas George.

  • Hi Katie,
    Ann Marie is indeed a very capable organiser. I have taken the liberty of passing you email address to her. I am sure she will take time to reply to your query shortly.

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