
African Scammers Target Thurles

There has been another spate of PC scammers trying to scam Thurles people out off their money this last couple of weeks. Just yesterday I received a call from an African sounding man who claimed he was from ‘Microsoft Support’ and that something is wrong with my computer.

If you receive one of these calls Hang Up Immediately!

What they are actually trying to do is trick you into giving them access to your computer to plant malicious software or worse. Once your computer is infected they can use it to send spam from your email account or monitor keystrokes on your keyboard so that they can get access to your bank account!

Scammer Gets Annoyed

Anyway, this being about the 4th time getting a call from these scammers in the last few weeks I decided to try and track down where these scammers are calling from. So this time I immediately wrote down the phone number. The number began with ‘0025’ which after a quick Google search came up with the area code for Africa. The 5th digit was ‘1’ so that meant he was calling from ‘Ethiopia’. Meanwhile, I’m still on the phone to this man, deliberately wasting his time. After a few minutes I confronted him with this info, I told him what I thought of him and that I was contacting the Police…well, the scammer was not impressed, and started screaming expletives at me while I was laughing at him on the other end of the phone! I wouldn’t recommend anyone to engage with these scammers at all, but he certainly gave me a good laugh that day!

Once again, we would like to warn people to be vigilant. Remember, if you get one of these calls, Just Hang Up!


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