
Bypass For Thurles Identified

It has been officially confirmed, Thurles is between nowhere and nowhere, in Ireland’s grand scheme of things, all thanks to the time wasting of those we elected to represent our interests, both presently and in the past.

I refer of course to the slow decision making process in the choosing of the preferred route for the N62 by-pass for Thurles which has now, at last, been decided. The proposed 8-kilometre by-pass was chosen by the Mid West Design team over two other options and will consist of a 100 metre-wide corridor to the east of the town stretching from Brittas to Turtulla.

This proposed single carriageway by-pass will run from Brittas through to Turtulla via Loughtagalla, the Moyne Road and the Dublin Road and will require four roundabouts and three river crossings without the demolition of any present existing structure.
This final decision will now also allow other corridors under review and situated west of the town, halted from immediate development, to revert to their previous zoning status.

Details of this plan can be viewed by the public from Tuesday next through to November 10th at Town Council offices on Slievenamon Road Thurles, the Council Civic Offices in Nenagh and at Thurles Library in the Source, Cathedral St.

We are unlikely, however, to see the usual gombeen type press releases from politicians, each claiming to have delivered on this 10 year promise. So, before local residents begin jumping for joy, believing they will no longer have to witness the daily chaos caused by HGVs maneuvering around Liberty Square from the town’s very narrow, tight side streets, there is a catch. Well a €48 million catch to be precise, so there is no immediate prospect of this by-pass ever being built in North Tipperary’s present political and financial climate.

Our only ray of sunlight, perhaps is the freeing up of hundreds of acres of land which has been effectively sterilised due to the planning process.

Ah, sure as me granny used to say “If it wasn’t for venetian blinds sure it would be curtains for us all.”


7 comments to Bypass For Thurles Identified

  • Chris

    I think we could have cheaper with a map and a pen. I bet the MWR and NRA staff will bill us for the €500.000 drawings for nothing. I said this before but hasn’t anyone noticed the smoothness of roads in the top of North Tipperary versus Thurles/Templemore even the old N8 is starting to get big potholes in it.

  • David Commins

    What Colour route is the one thats going ahead??



  • Because of the 3 river crossings I suspect it is Green.

  • Michael

    Where can we see the map of the proposed route.
    Will there be a toll on it.

  • Chris

    No they wont put a toll on a bypass Michael. If ever built will be designated part of the N62 or N75.

  • Vincent

    Do we still not have a map of the proposed new roads. Perhaps like everything else to do with by-passes and ring roads it may be another 10 years minimum before any road is commenced.

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