
Dance Classes In Thurles

Dancing Lessons in Thurles

The Club for Dancing, which was founded in 1971, have organised a set of dance classes commencing on Tuesday 6th September at 8.30pm sharp in The Premier Ballroom Thurles.

(Click Poster on left for larger image.)

The course lasts for six weeks and costs a total of just €20 inclusive. Anyone, over 16 years of age, who like to learn the basic steps of social dancing should come along for a most enjoyable six weeks.

Learn the basic steps of The Foxtrot, Quickstep, Old Time Waltz and The Slosh, (A novelty dance).

The Club For Dancing have been running these classes successfully, twice a year, since 1994.

The last set of classes finished in March of this year and over 100 people attended for the six weeks. The classes are ideal for anyone preparing for their wedding day, going to a wedding or other important social event. (Between you and me, it helps to get the body shape looking good also.)

Whatever your reason, fun and value for money is fully guaranteed, so get out there and ‘shake a leg.’

For Further Information: Contact Tom Gleeson @ Tel: 087-9732837.


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