
Support Thurles Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight 2011 began in Thurles last Friday February 28th, but there’s still time to get involved.

This year the committee are asking retailers to ‘Show Off Your Label‘ and be loud and proud about what Fairtrade means to you.

The sky’s the limit when it comes to ways of showing off about Fairtrade. Whether you decorate your place of study with an inflatable Fairtrade banana, hold a public event or start stocking and selling new Fairtrade products, you’ll be expressing your passion for Fairtrade and getting people talking.

Thurles Fairtrade Fortnight Diary of Events:

Thurles Fairtrade Forthnight

Thursday 3rd March 10.30am – School Talks. Thurles Fairtrade are very excited to welcome two special guest Fairtrade cocoa farmers from Ghana.  Isaac Baido and Stephen Boadi will talk to students in Tipperary Institute and share their first hand experiences of Fairtrade and highlight the positive impact Fairtrade has made in their lives and in their community.

Thursday 3rd March 10.30 am – The Divine Chocolate Wagon comes to Tipperary Institute. The Fairtrade Divine Wagon has a chocolate fountain where you can sample some of Divine’s delicious Fairtrade chocolate. So while you sample some yummy chocolate you can learn about Fairtrade and the story of chocolate.

Saturday 5th March 9.30 am – Fairtrade will be at the Farmers Market.  Stop by our information stand and enter a raffle for a hamper packed with a fantastic selection of Fairtrade products.

Thursday 10th March 10.00 am – Fairtrade Coffee Morning. Visit Health and Harmony in Old Baker Street and Eimear O’Connell will offer you a cup of strong flavorful Fairtrade coffee while you shop from the extensive range of Fairtrade products she has in stock.

Thursday 10th March 8.30 pm – Annual Table Quiz. Enter a team of four in our famous Table Quiz in Skehans Pub, Liberty Square. Popular quiz master Tom Noone presides over a fun night of mainly general knowledge questions with a smattering of Fairtrade related questions to keep you on your toes.  There will be great prizes for the top two teams plus lots of spot prizes throughout the night. Don’t miss it!  Phone Una now on 087 – 2624154 to enter a team.

Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual event in which Fairtrade values are celebrated around Tipperary, around Ireland and around the world. Awareness raising and the promotion of Fairtrade Products to the public are the main objectives of the fortnight.

Here in Thurles, we will celebrate our 6th Fairtrade Fortnight since we became a Fairtrade Town in December 2005.

If you’d like to get involved in Fairtrade in Thurles, phone the Secretary on 087 2624154.


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