
Thurles Supporting Fairtrade Fortnight 2010

Thurles was awarded Fairtrade Town status in December 2005 following an eighteen month campaign supported by many local volunteers. The present nine member steering group, which is chaired by the current Mayor of Thurles, Mrs Evelyn Nevin, are asking all Thurles residents and visitors alike to fully support Fairtrade Fortnight 2010.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2010 will run from 22nd February – 7th March.

They’ll be asking you to swap your usual stuff for Fairtrade stuff; e.g. your usual tea, coffee, chocolate or bananas for Fairtrade tea, coffee, chocolate or bananas. Each swap will be proof that we as a nation want developing world producers to get a better and fairer deal.

How you can get involved

There’s lots of ways for you to make your mark on Fairtrade Fortnight 2010.

Big, small and medium sized – every single action counts. You could swap your sugar to Fairtrade, mix up a Fairtrade cocktail for friends, arrange a flask mob or get your entire town to swap to Fairtrade.


Each swap that you make helps raise the issues that affect farmers, workers and farming communities. It proves to companies and governments alike that Ireland wants a fairer trading system. Hold Big Swap events in your local schools, church, library, club, workplace…etc to raise awareness of Fairtrade.

Why not host a swap your breakfast, break, lunch or supper. You could also get your workplace, school or college to permanently swap to a Fairtrade cuppa, also don’t forget the option to swap to Fairtrade sugar and snacks.

How about a Pamper Swap! you can swap your body lotions and cocoa butter products for Fairtrade ones. You could also host a cotton swapping event, swap your t-shirts, undies, socks, shopping bags to Fairtrade ones.

Go on, you know it makes sense – just do it and let us know what you are up to here on or mail Una Johnston at email address for more advice.

We here at will help you to promote your event.


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