
State Of Political Parties In North Tipperary Today

Residents of nursing homes and some hospitals and hospices in the 43 constituencies have been casting their votes in advance of Friday’s General Election, since last Wednesday. Voting in a number of these institutions also took place on Saturday and will continue this week until today.

The final figures for older voters and hospital residents who have cast their votes will not be known until after the close of polling on election day, Friday, February 25th. Returning officers in each constituency have made make special arrangements to facilitate early voting in consultation with residential homes and hospitals. This is a practice that has been in place for many years and an estimated 8,000 nursing home and hospital residents are registered as special voters in the 43 constituencies.

Here in South Tipperary, 84 people voted on Wednesday and Thursday, while in North Tipperary 445 special voters were eligible to cast their vote which will conclude today.

Meanwhile Back At The Ranch In Tipperary North

Kate Bopp:
Independent Kate Bopp is screaming that allowance of over €40,000 a year for the life of the Dail is unacceptable, given that T.D’s are already paid €92,000 a year plus expenses and points out that Bord Snip Nua recommended the scrapping of the leaders allowance.
She states that all of the major parties are campaigning on cut backs to be made left right and centre, while at the same time not pushing for any substantial cuts in their own wages, expenses and allowances. If elected in North Tipperary Kate Bopp says she will refuse the Leaders Allowance and is calling on all other Independents to do the same. This patriotic financial gift to our nation (or final act of desperation for a vote) will no doubt drive the IMF from our shores and contribute greatly to our economic well being.
Who is Kate Bopp anyway, does anyone know her?

Alan Kelly

Alan Kelly
Labour’s Alan Kelly is being bullied and abused and claims there has been a sustained campaign against him from other rival candidates. Mr Kelly says there has been a litany of attacks through, of all places, the media, while over 300 of his election posters have gone missing. However, thankfully this  leaves 49,700 posters still plastered on anything that stood still for five minutes around the constituency. Mr Kelly says the motivation behind the attacks is that if elected, he will have influence in the next Government for the North Tipperary region. Rival candidates don’t want change and so are trying to undermine his Labour Party campaign.
Trust me this is not true Mr Kelly, be positive, these posters were taken by your host of loyal fans who are going to be looking for autographs shortly, so stay out of the European Parliament for at least another month and have your pencil ready and sharpened.

Michael Lowry
A number of parents in North Tipperary have expressed their anger at a move to obtain votes by our Independent T.D Michael Lowry. No later than Friday last, school principal Mr Matthew Carr permitted letters in Oireachtas envelopes received from Deputy Lowry to be handed out to pupils, not eligible to vote at Borrisokane’s Community College.
The letter states that Michael Lowry made sure a new school for Borrisokane would become a reality, as part of his deal with the Coalition Government. Our Michael’s letter concludes by asking for a first preference vote in Friday’s election.
Believe it or believe it not, some ungrateful wretches of parents of pupils at the Community College have objected to what they see as their children being used as political pawns and fail to understand the crucial role Michael played ensuring that a new school would be built for their spoiled brats. True for Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan, “It is my opinion that too much has been done for this people.”
By the way does anyone know what other major benefits Michael obtained for North Tipperary, in that special secret deal which allowed him to support Fianna Fail, as it set about promoting bankers, developers and the ultra greedy in our society, latter who destroyed this country. Maybe Maire Hoctor knows, but she is remaining very quite in her election campaigning.
Still, not to worry boys and girls there could be spot in Seanad Éireann if “push comes to shove”, if you understand my meaning.

So looking forward to this Friday and do please stop bullying the shy, retiring Alan Kelly, there are laws against that kind of behaviour.


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