
Thurles Garda Vetting Unit Gets Ten Extra Part Time Staff

Information, just released, reveals that an additional ten persons have been recruited to Thurles’s Garda Central Vetting Unit to manage the 60,000 vetting applications currently awaiting processing. This now brings to 15 the number of employees extra introduced to the service since June last.

North Tipperary Deputy Noel Coonan confirming this news stated:

“The Minister for Justice has informed me that due to the high volume of applications, an additional ten persons have now been recruited to the Vetting Unit on a temporary basis. In addition, overall staffing arrangements at the unit are under review at present, in the light of the increasing demands being made upon it.  The allocation of Garda resources is a matter for the Garda Commissioner and I’m pleased to see the Thurles facility on Racecourse Road has acquired extra staff to handle the substantial increase in the numbers of vetting applications being received. The Garda Authorities have told me that the current average processing time for vetting applications is in the region of 10 to 12 weeks, given that demand is particularly high at present. However, I’m optimistic that waiting times will be shortened as a result of the increased staffing numbers. The safety of children and vulnerable adults is vital; making it crucial that vetting is carried out swiftly and people such as social workers or teachers are employed as soon as possible and their jobs are not put at risk because of long processing times. Processing time for vetting applications fluctuates during the year due to seasonal demands when the volume of applications received from certain sectors can increase and I want to commend the Gardaí who make every effort to reduce waiting times, while carrying out necessary checks.”

The local Fine Gael TD welcomed the extra appointments saying that the excessive backlog and slow processing time was putting  jobs in jeopardy.

The Garda Central Vetting Unit carries out an essential role and does so excellently in providing employment vetting for a large number of organisations in Ireland registered with the Gardaí, which employ persons to positions where they would have substantial, unsupervised access to children and/or vulnerable adults.


4 comments to Thurles Garda Vetting Unit Gets Ten Extra Part Time Staff

  • Kristal

    Hi, I have been waiting for my garda clearance since August this year to start work on a CE Scheme. I have 2 small kids which had to be put in creche in September as I was told I would be starting work on the 20th of September. 4 months later i am still waiting and can’t take my kids from creche as they will lose their places as the waiting lists are long for a place their, so I have to continue to pay for their creche in hope my clearance will come through and I get to start work, I am a single parent on a social welfare payment and think this is a discrace, the whole point of this is so I can better myself but yet I am struggling because of the long process of the garda clearance, its just disgraceful!

  • Hi Kristal, You have our sympathy. However I understand that things are improving.
    Do contact them again and let them know your situation. Remember you are dealing with the public service, renowned for their coldness and inability to perform, supported by strong Unions who appear to control and manage the Civil Servants.

  • Athony Carroll

    Thurles Garda Vetting Unit – Five Additional Staff
    Child Abuse Body For Thurles Vetting Unit
    Government Fail To Provide Vetting Procedures For Summer Camps
    My name is Anthony Carroll at present I am doing my Level 6 in Business Administration in Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed Thurles.
    I would be very gratefull if you could e-mail about the jobs vacincies in your department. Please forward me a application form at your earliest convience.

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