
Colgate Deal Will Pay For Dental Check Up or Clean

Colgate have announced a great deal where you can have a dental check up or scale & polish done at your local dentist for almost free! You have to purchase 1 Mouthwash, 1 Toothpaste and 2 Tooth Brushes and then Colgate will pay you up to €65 towards your check up or clean. Approximate cost of these items is €15-€16 at your local stores but you must have an itemised receipt to show that you have purchased the right products for the offer (see picture above).

For more details you can visit the Colgate website page for this offer and also download the application form;

The Colgate Oral Care products and Application forms are also available in Dunnes Stores, Thurles as they have a whole end section dedicated to the offer.

So, get in fast if you think you need a dental check up or clean. This deal only lasts until the end of the month, 30th September 2010. has heard that the dentists are being kept very busy because of this offer!


23 comments to Colgate Deal Will Pay For Dental Check Up or Clean

  • Gerald

    I wish to apply for a form to participate in your dental care offer, from Colgate.
    Kindest Regards,

  • Hi Gerard,
    You get all the necessary application forms from Dunnes Stores, they have a whole end section dedicated to this great value offer.

  • Sean

    It’s a scam. I did it well over a month ago and have still not recieved the cheque.

  • Hi Sean,
    It’s not a scam. Their administration is a bit slow but providing your paper work is correct you will receive the benifit. Let us know later how you get on.

  • Conor

    I sent in a claim 7 weeks ago and heard noting back – I fear this is a scam

  • Hi Conor,
    It is not a scam, but do not be afraid to follow it up. Let us know if and when you are recompensed. We will take a look from this end.

  • brianc

    According to a post on the forum, it looks like people are starting to get paid.

    Don’t worry, this is legit, 🙂

  • Amanda

    For anyone looking for the Form to apply from Ireland – its not online anymore , but if you ring 0080032132132 – they will post one out to you. I heard there is a delay on paying out just because so many people took up on the offer and you will get refunded in due course.

  • brianc

    Just to let everyone know, I received my cheque on Friday 12th Nov.

  • Ciaran

    We sent off receipts and voucher in October and no reply, can you advise please?

  • According to a post on the forum, it looks like people are getting paid.

    Don’t worry, this is legit, company were suprised by the number of participants I feel.

  • Hugh Derham

    IT IS A SCAM. They Ran a 3/2 Promotones in Boots, Superquinn….

    I bought my stuff in SuperQuinn and I didn’t know that they were doing 3 for 2 (was doing a big shop) so I was given a Toothbrush at no charge….. So get this; I was rejected!?! Tell me why they would run such a promotion alongside the 4 BOUGHT items promotion?! Boots were at it too!!

    Seems to me to stink of a rip off! So what’s new today the punter been swizzled out of our hard earned money…?

    I don’t even use their bloody products and I wouldn’t of if the Dentist hadn’t tipped me off about the promotion to start with!

    Is there anyone out there with any sort of ethical or moral radar, that stops them taking the piss out of us….

    Congratulations Colgate for pulling a fast one……

  • Hi Hugh,
    It is unclear from your comment exactly what is your particular situation, please reply stating why you were not deemed elegible. We understand from many people who participated, that they have been now paid in full by Colgate as promised under the deal. So if you believe you have been “ripped off” as stated, please elaborate and we will investigate.

  • Kate

    sent in claim form in October still have not received anything, find it very hard to get in touch using phone number as calls dont seem to be getting answered, there does not seem to be email address to get in contact with company you would think a big company like colgate would be more organised when running special campaigns

  • brianc

    Hi Kate,

    I sent mine in September and only got the cheque a couple of weeks ago, so I’d say don’t worry. Hopefully it will be along for you this week, or the first week in New Year.

  • Jarrod

    Sent in my claim for mid September, was rejected as I purchased the Colgate products before the dental visit and it was not detailed enough. Resent the form with another receipt (this time one more detailed) and have yet to hear back.

    I know people are getting cheques but its been 3 months since I resent in the forms. . . . the fact there is no email or helpline to call is very fustrating!

  • Martin Brennan

    Hi, Rang Colgate today on 00800321321132 and was told that they are still working on Nov 2010 applications.I sent my claim form in early Dec and they told me I will have a refund in a about 2 weeks.

  • Thanks Martin, Good news – people are anxious about payments

  • Gerard McNamara

    I believe that this is a scam. Sure – some people will be reinbursed. I received a letter on January 27th 2011 which rejected my claim, ( I originally submitted my claim on November 30th 10.)
    1. One of the grounds for turning down my claim was that I failed to provide a fully completed and legible claim form with the application – However – the claim form wasn’t available from the colgate site. (SCAM 1).
    2. Another reason for my application being declined was that I was under the age of 16 years old at the start of the promotion – I was 16 about a quarter of a century ago( SCAM 2).
    3. Another reason – Application was submitted through an agent or third party – I submitted the application. (SCAM 3).
    I wrote to the National Consumer Agency – their initial reaction (like all publically funded ) bodies was to kick this matter into touch – they suggested that I might like to ” Seek Independent Legal Advice” – indeed.
    In fairness they also said that “we will refer your query to our Commercial Practices Division (CPD) for attention and appropriate action”. We’ll see what happens. I agree with some commentators that colgate were oversubscribed ( me thinks it might have been because the government withdrew funding for this dental service.

  • Hi Gerard,
    Chase this claim – request new claim form and point out the errors. Point out that readers are angry and include these links: and also Invite them to read the comments from customers.
    They really need to get their act together – far from promoting themselves they are getting very bad publicity from this promotion. They now need to have a word with their admin in this c/s.

  • John

    Like Hugh

    I was rejected the offer because i got the 2/3 offer in boots,then i bought the products again
    and i was rejected a second time as the toothpaste i bought was colgate oxygen not colgate total colgate have purposely made it difficult so they can reject your offers while getting you to buy there products it is a very sneaky campaigne i shall no longer buy colgate product s and i implore people to follow suit.I have also forwarded this email to 100s of friends.

    i reckon George works for Colgate

  • Hi John,
    Can not help you as it looks like you did not read the the contract. I can assure you I do not work for Colgate and between you, me & Colgate, I regret ever having passed the information on the site. Still a lot of local people appear to have benefitted from this promotion.

    Two other comments were sent to our Contact Page by readers, instead of Comments Section:-

    (1) “Colgate are getting a lot of bad press on this and they need to know about it. They also rejected my sons totally legitimate claim on a technicality. The dentist sent a letter certifying what they wanted clarified, but they still refused to honour the claim. They obviously had far more applicants than they anticipated and are trying to get out of paying up.” (From M Mc)

    (2) “Hi to All. I was waiting for a while to receive payment which I can understand due to the great promotion it was. Regarding the purchase of one product instead of what was on the contract and you must agree it was a contract, Colgate were correct in the non payment. I have friends who entered the promotion when I told them but they had problems as they did not follow the procedure and payment was rejected,they were annoyed but accepted they were wrong and moved on.” (From Led)

  • Carole

    It is a scam i went got all the products toothpaste mouthwash and toothbrush everything was correct receipt from dentist ,got back letter rejecting stating the date of the receipt does not precede that of the dental treatment, i went back to dentist and they said that it was ,so i sent it back to get the same responce,i read in the sun feb 12th that other people got onto ben dunne with same problem as me.

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