
Financially Strained Families Urged To Apply For Step Up Grant

North Tipperary Deputy Noel Coonan is urging financially strained families throughout the constituency to avail of a new grant called the STEP UP! Grant for Education, Training and Skills, which is available to people formerly self-employed, jobseekers, people in receipt of social welfare and full time students.

North Tipperary Leader Partnership

The local Fine Gael TD said the grant, administered by North Tipperary Leader Partnership, replaces the former Millenium Grant.

It will assist those most in need and examples of some of the costs eligible under this programme include tuition fees, transport costs, materials costs and accommodation costs. Grants are subject to available funding and selection and will be based soly on the information supplied, supporting documentation and informal meeting.

Deputy Coonan has informed that:

“The STEP UP” Grant will be an enormous help to the many people who are in financial difficulties and those who feel they are eligible should apply as soon as possible due to funding being limited. While this Government claims that the economy has turned a corner and that its plan for recovery is working, there are still record numbers on the dole throughout North Tipperary. Nationally, 100,000 people have emigrated in the last two years, unemployment rate is the second highest in Europe and one in three men under 30 are now out of work. This means countless families are struggling to make ends meet and any grant that can help allay concerns is warmly welcomed.”

So where do I apply you ask ?

Feel free to contact Noel Coonan office Tel: 0504 32544 for an application form, or you can download same by clicking – Here

Applicants must be resident in the North Tipperary area and completed application forms will be accepted until Friday 19th November 2010 next.

Email applications will not be accepted, as supporting documents are required and forms need to be signed in person. Applicants will be contacted as part of the application process. Decisions on grants will be made on the basis of the evidence supplied.

People who are eligible include those formerly self-employed, who are not eligible for other supports and who can show need, those who are holders of or dependents of persons, with Social Welfare Payments such as Job Seekers Allowance, Job Seeker Benefit or means-tested welfare payment.

Applicants in receipt of the Back to Education Allowance for unemployed people, lone parents and people with disabilities will also be considered. Applicants in receipt of a Local Authority, County Council or V.E.C. maintenance grant (thus establishing level of income and residence) will only be eligible in exceptional circumstances.


2 comments to Financially Strained Families Urged To Apply For Step Up Grant

  • Paul

    Hi, I’ve gone back to do my junior/leaving certificate. I’m 35 years old and have been unemployed for a number of years. My studies will last two years. Could you please tell me if I’m entitled to get a grant for a laptop? I need one for home assignments but I can’t afford to purchase one myself. Regards

  • Hi Paul,
    Check out this info with the Citizens Advice Centre 34/35 Croke Street, Thurles. See link
    This organisation will know if same is available.
    If not do go talk to Thurles Credit Union about a possible loan, they are also extremly helpful. Best of luck with your studies. We can advise you on best possible laptop to purchase for your money.

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