
Skateboard Competition Ends Soon – Have You Entered?

Many people have difficulty in believing you can actually still get something for nothing nowadays.  I can’t blame them for that I suppose, with all that greed out there presently.

We have had numerous people this weekend contacting us, asking what is the catch regarding the free Tony Hawk Ride Game & Wireless Skateboard Controller for the Sony PS3 competition available on our website.

Believe us when we state “There is no catch, there is no entry fee.

The competition is just our way of thanking the 151,000 people who have viewed pages on our site, so go ahead and enter.

Entering is easy, go to Top Right Hand Side of our home page, answer the simple question, add your Email address to enable us to contact the winner, add 2+2 and Submit.  It could not be simpler.

The prize comes courtesy of our good friends over at Ireland’s No.1 Video Game Website , so best of luck and remember competition ends on August 14th.


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