
Is HRM Queen Elizabeth II Visiting Her Ancestral Home?

Phoenix Productions Present "Oliver" - 4th - 8th Aug

Why is there a red double-decker London bus Parked in Liberty Square, Thurles, we here you ask?  Has Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II decided to visit her ancestral home we hear you query?

Here is a clue: What has Red Buses, London, the West End and Theatre got to do with the Town of Thurles in the coming days?
Yes you have guessed correctly, the answer is of course “Oliver Twist“.  Now while Queen Elizabeth II may be visiting Thurles in the not too distant future, one thing is certain “Oliver” will go on stage in the Premier Hall Thurles this August 4th to the 8th inclusive, God willing.

But why the Red Bus I hear you say?  It’s simple – the late and  much lamented Mr Matty Ryan, who departed, regrettably from our midst on January 24th last, made arrangements for Phoenix Productions to use his Red Bus to promote the classic musical “Oliver” with the proceeds of one performance going to the charity to which he was so devoted, namely North Tipperary Hospice.

To honour and respect both his memory and his wishes it was decided to keep faith and so as he requested, his bus, which was a cherished birthday gift, is over the next few days, being used as a ‘Ticket Booking Office’.

So have you got your ticket?  They are getting as scarce as rocking horse manure. Move quickly – Phoenix promise you a show to remember for a very long time.


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