
Open Day At Matt Fogarty’s Tree Farm Nenagh

An open day will take place on Sunday next, July 25th at Matt Fogarty’s tree farm and nursery near Ballinderry, Nenagh, Co Tipperary.

Matt’s Tree Nursery holds a wide range of both native and exotic species and he has visited woods and arboretums around the world, the evidence of which can be seen growing here in Ballinderry.

The nursery is situated between Terryglass and Ballinderry close to beautiful Lough Derg. There are over 12 hectares of hardwood trees, hundreds of species, in varying sizes. The Deer and Pheasant run freely here and there are also an abundance of wild fowl living in and around the on-site pond area.

Matt won Farm Forester of the year in 1995 and Amenity Forester of the year in 2000. Warning however, Matt and Mary Fogarty’s passion for Mother Nature is very highly contagious, as seen when they guide groups, families or individuals through the tranquillity of their tree heaven.

As stated, there are over 12 hectares of different species to be admired and studied: e.g. Walnut, Oak, Copper Beech, and Spanish Chestnut, to Maple, Hornbeam, and the magnificent California Redwood, plus many others in different stages of maturity.

Imagine, If You Can, A World Without Trees

The American Soldier, Journalist and Poet Alfred Joyce Kilmer probably best described our love of this perennial woody plant in this simple poem.

“Trees” by Poet Alfred Joyce Kilmer (1886–1918)

I think that I shall never see – A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest – Against the  earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day – And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear – A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain; – Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me, – But only God can make a tree.

Another American poet Frederic Ogden Nash (1902–1971) well known for his light humorous verse, slightly changed the wording of this poem, lamenting the unnecessary destruction of our forests and the erection of massive wooden highway billboards, both adding to the destruction of our scenic environment.

“Trees” By Poet Frederic Ogden Nash (1902–1971)

I think that I shall never see, – A billboard lovely as a tree.
Indeed, unless the billboards fall, – I’ll never see a tree at all.

So if you are out and about this Sunday, you fancy a tree to enhance your dwelling place, don’t miss this opportunity to learn, at first hand, how you can grow a wide range of wonderful trees, many of which you will not be familiar, but which are very well suited to our Irish climate.


2 comments to Open Day At Matt Fogarty’s Tree Farm Nenagh

  • Howard Konick

    Can you supply seedlings of the following varieties:

    500 Whitethorn
    75 Black Alder
    25 Downey or silver Birch

    if so, what would the price be? I could possibly come and collect them. I ‘d be coming from Gort, Co Galway

  • Hi Howard,
    Thank you for your enquiry to Thurles.Info.
    Please contact Matt at Phone Number : 067 22053 and he can assist and advise you directly.
    Regards George.

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