
Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility Say Thurles Fairtrade


Thurles Fairtrade Town Committee are asking all workplaces in Thurles to switch to products carrying the Fairtrade Mark as a meaningful way to make a real difference to the lives of farmers and workers in developing countries.

Thurles became a Fairtrade Town in December 2005 and each year we are required to audit the support for Fairtrade in town, in order to renew our Fairtrade Town status. We would love to hear from you if your workplace has switched or wants to switch to Fairtrade, so we can include you in our report to Fairtrade Mark Ireland!

The benefits to workplaces of making a simple switch so that Fairtrade tea, coffee, fruit juice, sugar,  chocolate or biscuits are available to employees in the staff canteen or vending machines, in meetings or through corporate catering, even to the flowers at reception, would be significant and would include:

A visible gesture of your support for Thurles as a Fairtrade Town.
Thurles has been a Fairtrade Town since December 2005. We were awarded Ireland’s Most Creative Fairtrade Town in 2007. The Council has installed permanent signs announcing our Fairtrade Town status on the five approach roads. The current Mayor of Thurles chairs our meetings.

Joining our network of high profile Fairtrade supporters in Thurles.
There are over 50 shops, cafes, restaurants, businesses, schools and community groups in Thurles that actively support Fairtrade. Companies that serve Fairtrade to their staff, customers and clients include Dew Valley Foods, Tipperary Institute, Hayes Hotel, Thurles Chamber, St. Patrick’s College and Thurles Technology Park.

Generating Positive Publicity.
Supporting Fairtrade enhances credibility with the public and in the media by actively giving something back to the community. We distribute certificates of support and window/car stickers.

Improving Staff Morale.
Research by the Fairtrade Foundation in the UK confirms that Fairtrade in the work place creates a feel-good factor among the staff and improves staff morale.

Enhancing Corporate Social Responsibility.
More and more companies are making a commitment to environmental sustainability. Switching to Fairtrade will complement your existing CSR strategies.

Giving a Boost to Tipperary Fairtrade County Campaign.
Since Sept 2006, we have initiated the Tipperary Fairtrade County Campaign, the goal of which is for Tipperary to become Ireland’s first Fairtrade County. To date Cahir, Cashel, Nenagh, Roscrea and Tipperary Town have also achieved Fairtrade Town status and Carrick, Clonmel and Templemore are well on their way. Tipperary will become Ireland’s first Fairtrade County in 2010 when all nine towns have achieved status. For workplaces, making the switch to Fairtrade is simple and costs really are negligible! We can send you a Fairtrade wholesale directory with the list of suppliers in Ireland. Your existing suppliers will very likely have a Fairtrade tea and coffee option, and can offer you samples. We are keen that more workplaces in Thurles join our network of Fairtrade supporters.

For further information contact Una Johnston on 0504-26488.


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