
Cheap Peat Briquettes At Bord Na Mona Factory

This information hereunder may be of help to those of you attempting to make some savings on your necessary winter fuel bill this Christmas.

Currently, peat briquettes are retailing in your local shops at an average cost of €3.85 per bale.

However, direct from the factory the price is considerably less at around €3.03 per bale.



So if you can get your hands on a car trailer and travel direct to the Bord Na Móna factory outside Littleton village you can make quite considerable savings.

The average small domestic car towing a small trailer can accommodate 40 bales of briquettes with out any great problem.


So let’s do the sums:

Retail Price: €3.85 x 40 = €154.00.      Factory price: €3.03  x 40 = €121.20.

Total savings made on 40 bales of Briquettes: €32.80.
Keep in mind that if a carbon tax is introduced in Wednesday’s budget, the price of a bale of briquettes could increase by as much as .55 cents per bale.

The door to door selling of timber is also now on the increase in most housing estates in the town. Most of this timber is sold in bags and the buyer can not always be sure of the type of timber and if it will give off sufficient heat.

Hereunder is an old poem which explains the heat and other values associated with Irish timber products.

Beechwood fires are bright and clear, if the logs are kept a year.
Oaken logs burn steadily, if the wood is old and dry.
Birch and fir logs burn too fast, blaze up bright and do not last.
Chestnut’s only good they say if for long is laid away.
But ash new or ash old, is fit for a Queen with a crown of gold.
It is by the Irish said that Hawthorn bakes the sweetest bread.
Poplar gives a bitter smoke, fills your room and makes you choke.
Apple wood will scent your room, with an incense-like perfume.
But ash wet or ash dry, is for a King to warm his slippers by.

See Update for 2011 fuel prices.

See Update for 2012 fuel prices.


21 comments to Cheap Peat Briquettes At Bord Na Mona Factory

  • Collette Tobin

    Last Sat 27th Feb I purchased 4 bales of Briquettes in Supervalu Clonakilty and they placed them in my car boot.

    When removing them at home I noticed one bale was much lighter and when I counted the actual briquettes there were only 21 in that bale -the others contained 24.

    I was and and still is-tightly bound as it was when it left the factory-can you please investigate and advise.

    Your prompt reply would be appreciated.

  • Hi Colette,
    I regret I cannot help you in this instance. However, you should, and are quite entitled, to return this bale to Supervalu, Clonakilty and insist they replace it or refund the purchase price. Supervalu should then take the matter up with their supplier. I suspect that this bale was last one off the conveyer belt, and went unnoticed.
    Anybody from Bord Na Mona out there who can help us solve this mystery? Please contact us and we will put you in contact with Colette.

  • Alan

    In relation to ur money saving tip on going to the briquette factory for cheap briquettes, why not try your local fuel merchant, they will more than likely be able to offer briquettes at very little over the factory price, when bought in bulk, + you will save on not having to travel as far. Remember also, that when you bypass the local merchant, which the briquette factories rely on to survive, in time it will become no longer feasible to keep that factory in your area.

  • Hi Alan,
    As you see from my blog retailers are not providing this product slightly over wholesale cost, if they were I would totally agree with you.

  • Joseph

    A crowd in Dublin and Mayo are selling briquette @ €2.79 a bale,great to see BNM gettin a bit of competition at last.I bought some and they where great value.

  • Thanks Joseph,
    This represents a 25% reduction on current Thurles retail prices. Thurles retailers take note.

  • Ian

    Joseph, do you know if they are still at €2.79? Can you advise where thy are for sale at that price in Dublin.

  • Sorry Ian,
    Regret not familiar with Dublin Prices.

  • Alan

    Hi Ian, the cheap imported briquettes cannot be compared like for like with bnm briquettes, in that, they are only 9-10kg, compared to 12.5 kg bnm bale, also, the briquette is not compressed with the same force, therefore they do not burn as well. Bnm briquettes at factory retail at 3.14ea, not 3.03. Most reputable fuel merchants will offer them as low as 3.50ea, and DELIVER a pallet at 3.25ea, or you can collect at 3.15ea as i have done only last week. To drive the 14miles to the factory for my pallet, i would have saved 128cents! Hardly advisable.

  • Hi Alan,
    I agree with you on the imported Briquette Issue. But have you purchased BNM briquettes loose at the factory. Again you have got to have access to a car trailor.

  • How much are loose briqquetes per tonne??

  • Hi Collin,
    Honestly do not know the answer, but give them a buzz on the phone.

  • Pat

    In Relation to EU Produced Briquettes, they are 10.5 KG to 11.5 Kg with a Moisture Level of 7% and not a Moisture Level of 18% to21%, And the KCAL output is way Higher, also the Ash Level is Way Lower

  • George McKenna

    Hi. Is it possible to buy loose briquettes and at what cost?

  • Hi George,
    Best to contact Bord Na Mona Littleton Telephone:0504-44220. Address: Bord Na Mona, Littleton, Co Tipperary. Factory is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 3.30pm. During the winter it also opens from 8am to 12 noon on Saturdays. Trusting this info is of assistance. Regards George.

  • Larpd

    What price and what minimum quantity are loose briquettes?

  • George Willoughby

    I understand you can purchase whatever amount you require and they are being sold presently at 20% discount.

  • Nina

    Where would be the nearest peat briquette factory to Lucan co. Dublin.

  • George Willoughby

    As far as I am aware, Ireland has two peat briquette factories; one in Littleton, Thurles, Co Tipperary and one at Derrinlough, Co Offaly.
    Trust this is the information you seek!

  • Cathy Lafferty

    Hi, just wondering what is the difference in the colour bands that are on bricketts. l mostly buy ones in Ballyjamesduff County Cavan with yellow bands. They were 3 bales for €11 but now they have gone up to €12. Before last week he was charging €3.70 per bale but now all prices have gone up
    Some of the other retailers said this man is selling the bricketts that are for the Northern market, because they have the yellow band is this true and is there carbon tax on these. l would like to know as l think this would be very unfair to be selling them.

  • George Willoughby

    Hi Cathy, I will try to find out and let you know.

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