
Thurles Local Election Results

Thurles Council had 9 seats on offer with an electorate of 5,877 and fifteen candidates declared.

Turnout was 4,166 voters with 49 declared spoiled votes, giving a valid pole therefore of 4,117.

The agreed quota was 412.

thurles-council-electionThree candidates were declared elected on the first count, all having exceeded the required quota:-

Michael Cleary (Fine Gael) – Total Votes 432.
John Kennedy,  (Labour) – Total Votes 469.
Jim Ryan,  (Non Party) – Total Votes 619.

The following remaining candidates were all elected without reaching the required election quota:-

Michael Grogan (Non Party) – Total Votes 382
David Doran (Sinn Féin) – Total Votes 376
Noel O’Dwyer (Non Party) – Total Votes 276
Gerard O’Brien (Fianna Fáil) – Total Votes 266
Evelyn Nevin (Non Party) – Total Votes 243
Johnny Kenehan (Labour) – Total Votes 219 took the last seat.

Other Candidates:-
Bill Dwyer (FF) TV. 196 – Mae Quinn,(Mayor, outgoing)(FG) TV. 181 – Patricia Durak-O’Dwyer (FF) TV. 138 Johnny Purcell (NP) TV.110 Martin Ryan (NP) TV.109 & Lorraine O’Keefe (FF) TV.101 were duly eliminated.


4 comments to Thurles Local Election Results

  • Lisa

    Are these the official results for Thurles as there doesn’t seem to be any mention of Seamus Hanafin whom I was told got first seat. Are my sources wrong or are yours?? I’m not trying to be smart I just want to know the results.

  • Hi Lisa.
    Firstly: is never wrong. The election results you are looking at refer to Local Town Council Elections in which Mr Hanifin did not compete. However to answer your query, I can confirm that Mr Hanafin did successfully compete in North Tipp County Council elections in 2009 and was elected on the first count with 1,590 votes (9 votes above the Quota required of 1,581) Valid votes cast were 9,485 and candidates numbered 5 in total for the Electoral area: Thurles.
    You can now see why we are called Thurles.Info. Very nice to hear from you. Hope this is the info you require

  • Lisa

    Well I stand corrected, I hang my head in shame for ever doubting you. It appears I don’t know my politics as well as I thought. Cheers for the Info that’s exactly what I was looking for. Oh and thank u kindly for correcting me in such a polite manner, no ha ha we’re right you’re wrong!! I shall be adding this site to my favorites now.
    Thanks again x

  • George

    Hi Lisa,
    Although we don’t admit it publically, between you and me,(Hope no one is listening) yes, we make loads of mistakes every single day. My grandmother always says “The man who never made a mistake, never made anything”
    Thanks for sticking with us X

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