
Countrywide Date Rape Warning

date-rape-drugA large quantity of prescription drugs including more than 83,000 Rohypnolis tablets, have been stolen from a pharmaceutical company in north Co.Dublin.

Rohypnolis, widely known as a ‘Date Rape’ drug, incapacitates its victim and prevent them from resisting sexual assault. The drug commonly referred to in street slang as a “roofie” can be administered by adding it to either food or drink without the victim’s knowledge. This drug is banned in The USA for this reason and as it can produce “anterograde amnesia,” which means that individuals may not remember events they experienced while under the effects of the drug. Respiratory depression, coma, and death are unpredictable possibilities when someone unknowingly takes the date rape drug, especially in large doses or in combination with alcohol.

Companies around the world are presently trying to make paper drink coasters or test strips that change color when dabbed with a drink doctored with a date rape drug, however testing kits that claim to detect GHB, Ketamine, and Benzodiazepines such as Rohypnol, in seconds, are commercially available under names such as “The Drink Detective” but are not as yet readily available in this country.

The drug is invisible when dissolved in water, and is completely odorless. Though somewhat saltish in taste, but are indiscernible when dissolved in beverages such as soft drinks, liquor, or beer.

These tablets will circulate and be sold around the country very quickly. Party goers are warned to practise extreme caution as drinks may be very easily spiked. Do not leave food and particularly drinks unattended.

Gardaí say up to four men overpowered a security guard, stealing over 80,000 Rohypnol tablets and 1,000,000 Zopiclone sedatives. Zopiclone is known colloquially as the “Z-drug” and induces amnesia type memory impairments. Impairment of ones driving skills with a resultant increased risk of road traffic accidents is probably the most important immediate side effect to users of this drug.


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