
Thurles – Accidents Just Waiting To Grant Compensation

To be fair Templemore/Thurles Municipal District Councillors are great for ‘Calling’ for things, especially on local radio; and more especially when health and safety issues are at stake, like hedge cutting etc. However Ratepayers and those paying Property Tax in Thurles should note that their subscriptions to both worthy causes are in danger of greatly increasing, with town Councillors continuing to ignore accidents just waiting to happen.

What with dangerous footpaths and giant potholes evident everywhere, no one is looking skyward, especially while in the vicinity of Slievenamon Road, Thurles, just outside Hugh Ryan’s Funeral Home. [Note: Careful gawking if you are driving please.]

For some weeks the guts of a public street light has been precariously dangling some 30ft above the pavement/road. With even a slight breeze there is a real danger that wires attached will break off, resulting in a pedestrians head being split open or a passing car being seriously damaged.

We have contacted Thurles Gardaí and Tipp County Council (Tel: 0761 06 5000). Despite giving the Council an accurate address, they were anxious that we supply them with a ‘Pole Number’. (God Help Us, but sackings are necessary.)

What Do You Think: Maybe before the Schools reopen?
Meanwhile, Thurles.Info, some months ago, highlighted the dangers at the the Cathedral Street pedestrian level crossing, but again no mention at Council meetings.

Quote from our report dated February 1st 2018,, “One hundred and twenty yards away, in August 2017 last, a high sided truck made the careless decision to adjust the automated pedestrian crossing lights outside of Thurles Cathedral. The bulbs on this crossing used to feed motorised traffic information have been changed on two occasions since, yet the pedestrian information lights have not been realigned, leaving pedestrians unable to view the crossings signals, causing unnecessary delay to motorists. This is a busy crossing used by over 600 school children twice daily to get to and from rural school buses, not to mention the several hundred church pilgrims and local shoppers out walking each day.”

Guys you have got to write these things down with the butt of your pencil, or better still, go on local radio and highlight the issue.

UPDATE: Thurles.Info is happy to relate that as and from 5.00pm this evening an ESB technician has rectified the danger to pedestrians on the Slievenamon Road, Thurles, just outside Hugh Ryan’s Funeral Home.

Begorra,  (Latter an exclamation of surprise traditionally attributed to the Irish), I think I might run for the local Council at the next local elections. I might try to get on Tipp FM to-morrow and announce my candidacy, or sure maybe I could run for President and if unsuccessful, work my way down.

Of course the one year old problem of the Cathedral Street pedestrian crossing and the danger to school students hasn’t been fixed yet, but I am ‘Calling’  on Tipperary County Council to be proactive in fixing this also, especially while screwdrivers are still out of the toolbox.


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