
Happy 102nd Birthday Edmund Gair

Moycarkey-Borris resident, Mr Edmond Gair, reaches his 102nd birthday today.


Moycarkey-Borris resident Mr Edmond (Neddy) Gair reached his 102nd birthday today. (February 1st, the feast day of St. Bridget of Kildare.)

Correspondence from Uachtarán na hÉireann, Mr Michael D. Higgins, congratulating Mr Gair on his birthday was received this morning. In the correspondence President Higgins stated;

“I have learned with great pleasure that you celebrate your 102nd birthday on 1st February 2016. 

I am delighted to send you my warmest personal congratulations and most sincere good wishes on this special occasion, together with the enclosed commemorative gift. (A silver commemorative medal.)

I wish you good health and happiness in all the days ahead”.

Now the oldest parishioner in the parish of Newhill, Moycarkey-Borris, Thurles, Co Tipperary, Mr Gair celebrated his birthday with his relatives and neighbours the Darmody and Mason families. Other visitors on the day included his parish priest Fr. George Bourke, Mr Gerry Bowe, Tipperary Independent T.D. Mr Michael Lowry, together with all staff members in the Ardeen Nursing Home, where he currently resides.

‘Neddy’, as he is best known to friends, was born in Newhill in 1914, all those decades ago. His parents were Edward and Mary and he had two brothers, Tom and Michael, latter who, alas, passed away in 1971 and 1989 respectively.

Mr Gair has lived through many of our revolutionary times in both world and Irish history. These decades include two World Wars, the Irish Civil War, the 1916 Irish Easter Rising, the U.S. Wall Street Stock Market crash of October 1929 etc. He has experienced during his life time, massive Irish Emigration, Rural Electrification, the evolving of Home Radio and the invention of TV and of course other more recent technical innovations.

Always an active participant in many area of his local community, Mr Gair still today remains a fluent Irish speaker with a passion for his native language and up until recent years was writing short stories and poetry. In the past he has also directed stage dramas, attracting large crowds and too much acclaim in Tipperary rural parish halls.

A man of immense talents, Mr Gair is today wished continued good health and every blessing into the future.


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