
Tipperary Tourism – A Definition Of Total Incompetence

Please do take the time to watch the video uploaded once again below (First uploaded back in April 20th, 2013) and do read this current article in full.

June 1st to September 30th marks the annual summer vacation period for the vast majority of tourists visiting Tipperary; visiting both from here at home or abroad.

Since “The Gathering”, a tourism-led initiative which first began in 2012 in Ireland; same aimed at mobilising the Irish Diaspora; attempts at attracting tourism and creating much needed employment in Tipperary have taken a severe downward plunge. Lack of political support for tourism has most certainly impacted on our current catastrophic unemployment figures, which over the past two months alone have seen 835 Tipperary people lose their jobs. Prior to the most recent local county and general elections, selected TD’s and Co. Councillors gave ‘firm lip service’ only to supporting and encouraging tourism here in Tipperary, none more so than Fine Gael’s Mr Noel Coonan TD and Labour Party Deputy Leader and Minister Mr Alan Kelly, back then also given responsibility through the post of Junior Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport.

In an effort to boost Tipperary tourism and having met with both of the above named politicians, both in Thurles and Dublin, all efforts to return the Derrynaflan Hoard to Thurles, just briefly for just 3 months, were met by total silence and a refusal to even communicate via email.

Allow Me to Demonstrate the True Definition of Local and National Political Incompetence and Money Wasting.

Please click HERE to locate the website titled ‘Tipperary Tourism’. Next, scroll down to bottom of page one.

Note: This Tipperary Tourism website was designed in 2014 and confirms it was funded, no doubt handsomely, by European Regional Structural Funding, South Tipperary Development Company, Minister Alan Kelly’s Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, 28 European countries, better known by the abbreviation EU and finally through Tipperary County Council.

Having confirmed to yourself this undeniable fact, move your cursor indicator up slightly to the heading marked ‘Discover(Positioned to the left on same page).  Next click on ‘Attractions In Tipperary’.  See all preferred attractions listed and available by striking the down arrow to the right in the box provided (marked ‘Angling‘), and then choose from the list of other popular attractions on offer.  Once you highlight your chosen attraction; move across to choose your preferred Co. Tipperary town, by hitting the down arrow right of the box marked ‘Clonmel‘.  Next click on Thurles.

What do you mean, you can’t find Thurles?

Seriously, is this prevailing situation not the most perfect definition of ‘Total Local and National Political Incompetence‘, at a time when our Live Register Unemployment Figures for Co Tipperary today are almost double the national average?

More ‘Definitions of Incompetence’ to follow.


6 comments to Tipperary Tourism – A Definition Of Total Incompetence

  • Michael

    The Dublin crowd don’t give a S”’ about us in Tipp. They STOLE our Tipp Chalice, took it to Dublin to make money. I thought it was a crime to rob stuff from a community; a community that’s loosing jobs all the time. Walk us into the ground because if we get any power we might be able to force them to give us our Chalice back. There’s much more but I’ve said enough for now.

  • Chris

    That website was started before the unification of County Tipperary councils. North Tipperary has its own website

    Both sites should be merged into one. The site was taken down over a year ago. Why is this website not back online yet?

  • George Willoughby

    Hi Chris,
    Local Elections were held on Friday 23rd May 2014. This is July 2015 some 14 months later. is really only promoting South e.g. Note only one museum in the county situated in Clonmel; no museums in Roscrea, Nenagh or Thurles. As for traffic generated on average was only 60 page views per day, due to failure to update on a regular basis, and rarely appeared on page 1 of Google in last 2 years of its existence. At one stage it was hacked and coding added selling foreign illegal pharmacy drugs.

  • Tipperary Mountain Trekking Centre

    Thanks for this blog on Tipperary Tourism. I’ve chased the links and am depressed to find that it is really hard to find my long established tourism business and that none of the official Tipperary Tourism websites or local town websites include a link to it. We need some joined up thinking to properly promote the many amenities that Tipperary has to offer.

  • George Willoughby

    With the exception of Hidden and of course Thurles.Info.

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