
Your Country Needs You So Please Shop Local

Michael's Jewellers, Westgate, Friar Street, Thurles, Tipperary.

I have said it before and to the annoyance of many, I will repeat myself, “Wealth in Ireland each day is becoming more and more concentrated around just a few people in this our country.”  We as a community can slow down this trend simply by, “Shopping Local,” not only this Christmas, but throughout the year ahead.

(Please click on both the images shown on left to view greater detail, and note that items displayed are Irish made, with a retail value of between €35 and €165.)

The unique character of your local community is defined in large part by the businesses that reside there, and that plays a big factor in your overall satisfaction with where you live and the value of you own home and property.

Small local businesses are the largest employers nationally.  Plus the more jobs you have in your local community the less people are going to have to commute, which means more time and less traffic and pollution.

In shopping locally, you won’t have to travel far and when we are lucky enough to have a town center like we do in Thurles, you can park once and find all you need within easy walking distance.

When you spend money in local family run businesses, it circulates locally. That money goes back into the community in taxes, rent and in many other ways, which helps keep our town and our community thriving.

Michael's Jewellers, Westgate, Friar Street, Thurles Tipperary.

Presently in our community, people are mourning the fact that each person cares only for themselves and not that we care for one another as a whole community. The future well being of Thurles depends on your well being and your future well being depends on local Thurles businesses.

At our small local shops you can find some great unique items that aren’t available at the bigger stores and people in these shops who value your continued custom, will support you fully in any after care service.

Many people this year will surf the Internet in search of Christmas gifts for family and friends. They will purchase items which offer little guarantee and, when received, in reality will bear little resemblance to what they expected. Foreign companies and their economies will benefit greatly, at a time when your own country most needs your support.

Each of the top quality items, (Shown in the images on your left) are available locally here in Thurles centre, can be examined locally, repaired locally, so therefore why not shop locally and support your local community.

This year more than ever your country and local community need your support, lets be patriotic.

Remember Before You Buy: Local businesses are owned by people who live in our community, are less likely to leave seeking to profit even further, by a cheaper labour force abroad, and are more invested in our community’s welfare and future.


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