
Fine Gaels Job Plan Discussion In Damer Court Hotel

Deputy Noel Coonan

Fine Gael Deputy Noel Coonan is to host a public meeting on his party’s Jobs Plan in the Damer Court Hotel (formerly known as Grants Hotel) next Monday 24th to address the spiralling job crisis in Roscrea and the wider Midlands area.

Guest speakers on the night include Party Leader Enda Kenny, Enterprise Spokesperson Leo Varadkar TD and Simon Coveney TD, Spokesperson on Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.

Speaking to the deputy stated:

“The No.1 priority of the next Fine Gael government will be jobs. We are all feeling the sharp brunt of this Fianna Fail led recession which is supported by my Government colleagues in North Tipperary. Only recently we witnessed the sad closure of the former Antigen factory in Roscrea which was a huge blow to the area and contributed significantly to the spiralling job crisis in Roscrea. Next Monday’s meeting will thoroughly explain Fine Gael’s jobs plan which is two fold. Leo Varadkar is proposing steps we can take immediately in the policy document ‘Hope for a Lost Generation’ which will take 70,000 people off the dole within 18 months. Simon Coveney’s document ‘New ERA’ looks at longer term proposals which will create over 105,000 jobs. This will happen through the injection of €18billion of new money into the economy. Unemployment figures will not improve under the reign of this current ineffective Government. Fine Gael is the only party that has the ideas and policies to get this country back on track”

The number of people unemployed in Roscrea soared by a third over the last year. Latest figures from the Central Statistic Office (CSO) show there were 1,333 people signing on by the end of April 2010. Eight hundred and nineteen of this group are males and 514 are females.

Unemployment figures for April, show there are 176 men under the age of 25 presently on the dole in Roscrea.

The Fine Gael TD told Thurles.Info that all persons are welcome to attend the meeting on Monday 24th May, which will be held in the Damer Court Hotel, Roscrea at 8.30pm, sharp.


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