
Thurles St Patrick’s Day Parade 2024 – Part 2

An estimated 2,500 viewers attended at the Thurles St Patrick’s Day parade on Sunday afternoon last, March 17th; encouraged out by the bright spring sunshine and the slight increase in the local temperature.

Possibly the largest crowd ever in the history of such parades; people from the Republic of the Philippines, Ukraine, England, São Paulo in Brazil, China, Poland, Italy and Stockholm in Sweden, joined the large number of local residents, who turned out for this most enjoyable of events.

The huge crowds (See also Video Part 1 HERE) that packed Thurles streets, from Friar Street west, through the town centre and unto Barry’s Bridge, were extremely impressed by the colours of floats; the marching groups representing numerous clubs and societies; the bands and other individuals; all taking part.

A huge “Thank You” to the work undertaken by Mr John Kenehan and his committee, and to the many people ‘in yellow jackets’, who successfully ensured the health and safety of the public in attendance.


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