
Helleborus argutifolius, An Early Blooming Winter Beauty.

Helleborus argutifolius, the holly-leaved evergreen hellebore has large flowers bearing the green colour often reminiscent of a Granny Smith apple. These large blooms are set against a foil of spiny, evergreen leaves.

Helleborus argutifolius – (argutifolius means “with sharp-toothed leaves”).
Today, hellebore plants of all varieties have strong associations with serenity, peace, and tranquillity.
Pic: G. Willoughby 2024

The flowers of this plant appear in winter, just in time for Christmas, and remain in bloom on the plant during the winter months and often well into spring.
The plant enjoys a light shady area to live, and given the right conditions, it will self-seed sufficiently to provide replacement plants, particularly if surrounded by a gravel surface.
These beautiful plants are native to the island of Corsica and nearby Sardinia, and will grow to a shrub-like size in any garden when established; growing to over 120 cm (47 in) tall X 90 cm (3 ft) wide.

Same plants are a must for every garden, during those long dead months of winter.


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