
Four Men Arrested Following Seizure Of Drugs & Weapons.

In an intelligence-led operation, Gardaí have arrested four men, following the seizure of drugs and handguns in a raid across four counties.

On Friday afternoon last, the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau (GNDOCB) intercepted two vehicles in the area of Finglas, Co. Dublin, shortly before 4:00pm.

Planned searches of as yet unnamed addresses were conducted in Co. Kilkenny, neighbouring on Co. Tipperary; and also in Co. Waterford; Tallaght, Co. Dublin, and in Ashbourne, Co. Meath.

Three Glock handguns, together with a replica handgun; 28.5 kilogrammes of cocaine (with a street value of approximately 2 million euro) and 1 kilo of cannabis herb (latter with a street value worth approximately €20,000) were seized.

We understand Gardaí also recovered a hydraulic drugs press, a quantity of mixing agent, drug-mixing paraphernalia, €18,000 in cash and several communications devices.

Four, as yet unnamed men aged 55, 32, 27 and 22 years respectively, were arrested in relation to drug trafficking and have been detained, pursuant to the provisions of Section 2 of Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 1996, and were detained at Garda stations in both Co. Dublin and Co. Meath.

All of the drugs seized have been sent to be examined by Forensic Science Ireland (FSI).


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