
Information Sought On Famous Son Of Thurles.

Mr Mattie Lennon, CIE Writers Group, Dublin, writes:-

“For years I have been doing research on a most famous son of Thurles town.

The man in question is the late “Mr Seamus Maguire“, who was born in Thurles in 1950.
Mr Maguire went on to work as a Bus driver, a Prison Officer and a Social Worker in Tipperary and Cork.

In 1979, he founded ‘Youth-In-Need’ and went on to pioneer many projects to help young and old persons, both at home and abroad.
Over the years he was the recipient of many prestigious awards and commendations relating to his work.
He headed up an organisation, which operated a soup-run in London, same distributing soup, sandwiches and blankets to the Irish homeless people. However Seamus and his volunteers, felt that the marginalized exiles needed more support.

In December 1979 he was approaching the homeless in the English Capital, offering them a chance to travel home to Ireland for Christmas. Because of personal shame or a total rejection of their homeland, a small minority refused the offer.

However, those who availed of his offer were taken to a hostel and provided with accommodation. Proper food for a few days and fresh clothes meant that many who had abandoned all hope of a homecoming, were able to met their loved ones, looking respectable.

I understand that Mr Maguire continued this work of mercy for some twenty years.
I have obtained all his work records and details of his charity work.

I have a lot of information on the great man, but for some reason people are reluctant to give me information on his childhood and growing up years.

If any of your Thurles.Info readship have information on Seamus, particularly about his younger years, I would be most grateful/thankful to talk to them.

Signed: Mattie Lennon.

Note Please: Persons who may hold information/memories regarding the late Mr Seamus Maguire, can message me George Willoughby on Facebook, in order to obtain an email address and/or Phone No. for Mr Mattie Lennon.


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