
EPA Announces Increased Funding Of €16m For Research To Address Climate & Environmental Challenges.

EPA announces increased funding of €16m for new environmental and climate research.

Research proposals are invited for research across the following areas:

  • Nature-based solutions that can benefit the environment and society.
  • Advancing climate science in an Irish context.
  • Identifying effective options to adapt to climate changeThe use data of and digitalisation for environmental protection.
  • How society can be enabled in its transition to a sustainable future.
Environmental Protection Agency

Successful researchers will work closely with policy makers and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that the research is impactful and effectively informs environmental policy in Ireland.

Environmental and climate research in Ireland today received a boost with the announcement by the EPA of up to €16 million in funding for new research projects, representing a significant increase over previous years. The EPA is inviting proposals from the research community for innovative research projects to support the development and implementation of environmental policies in Ireland.

Announcing the EPA funding call, Dr Eimear Cotter, Director of the Office of Evidence and Assessment said: “Scientific research and innovation are playing an increasingly important role in informing how governments and society can respond to the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation. Today’s EPA research call will address knowledge gaps, both current and future, and ultimately will provide robust evidence to support the implementation of effective environmental policies in Ireland.”

Areas of research include exploring how nature-based solutions can benefit the environment and society, advancing climate science in an Irish context, and identifying effective options to adapt to climate change. Cross-cutting areas are also highlighted, such as how data and digitalisation can be utilised for environmental protection and how society can be enabled in its transition to a sustainable future.

Dr Darragh O’Neill, EPA Research Manager, said, “In this year’s call, we are pleased to include both targeted and open topics to support the research community to address specific evidence needs as well as to explore emerging research areas relevant to environmental policy. With up to €16m available under this call, we look forward to receiving proposals for innovative and impactful projects.”

The EPA Research Programme is a Government of Ireland initiative funded by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. Under this year’s call, the EPA is delighted to be partnering with the Geological Survey Ireland, National Parks and Wildlife Service and Met Éireann to co-fund projects in areas of mutual interest.

Further details about the 2023 EPA Research Call are available HERE


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