
Thurles Pedestrians & Motorists – Take Great Care.

Road crater at Lognafulla, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Pic: G.Willoughby.

The many persons driving, travelling from the west side of Thurles, and having visited St. Patrick’s cemetery on Moyne Road east of Thurles, same on the return journey are being advised to take great care. A large deep crater exists outside the Mace Supermarket at No. 10 Mitchel St, Lognafulla, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. A partially submerged plastic bollard may currently mark the spot. [See picture immediately above.]

Road crater at Dublin Road, Wrensborough, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Pic: G.Willoughby.

Meanwhile; on the Dublin Road, travelling west, at Wrensborough, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, east of Ronayne’s Homevalue Store; an even larger crater currently exists. Pedestrians using the footpaths at both of these locations are being asked to take care to avoid flying stones and airborne mucky water.
Stupid attempts to fill these identified water-filled craters, using cold tarmac, are obvious, as shown in the attached pictures. [See pictures immediately above.]

Failure to provide proper public lighting in the area of Thurles Shopping Centre.
Pic: G.Willoughby.

Take care also, both motorists and pedestrians; in the area of the raised roundabout, outside Thurles Shopping, Centre, situated on Slievenamon Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, (N62) on the south side of the town, the public lighting in this area has not worked for many months.
While much of the Thurles public lighting system has remained burning 24 hours each day over many previous months, the failure to ensure that a public lighting exists on this N62 section, which boasts 2 marked, but unlit and uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, now demonstrates a total lack of care by officials and Councillors, employed at the Thurles Municipal District Offices.
Christmas Eve saw dangerous interaction taking place between blinded motorists and large numbers of rushing pedestrians, in this new Thurles town centre area, at Slievenamon Road. [See picture with burned out light fixture, inset, immediately above.]


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