
Fireworks Cause Distress To Feathered Friends, Farm Animals & Pets.

Although firework displays on Halloween night no doubt bring joy to many of our local residents; it is likely to be a night of terror and distress for our feathered friends, farm animals and household pets.

Here in Thurles, Co. Tipperary, following such a recent fireworks display, ducks on the river Suir and our flock of Pied Wagtails roosting on Liberty Square, are now only beginning to return to their old haunts.

Research has confirmed that firework displays cause wild birds to suffer significant distress, and researchers have recommended that in future displays should not take place in areas, with a large wildlife population.

It is unclear whether it is the noise that upsets them, or the flashing lights in the sky, or indeed a combination of both. However for example, researchers have confirmed that the heart rate of geese increases from 63 to 124 beats per minute, and their average body temperature increased by 3%, from 38C to 39C, when they are subjected to a firework display close to their usual haunts.

We are already aware that fireworks cause anxiety in our household pets, and farm animals; for example dogs and horses.


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