
Oireachtas Approves Acts To Combat Terrorism & Organised Crime.

Oireachtas approves renewal of acts to combat terrorism and organised crime

The Minister for Justice, Mrs Helen McEntee TD, has moved Oireachtas resolutions for the renewal of important legislation aimed at combatting terrorism and serious organised crime.

Terrorism & Organised Crime.

The Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998, which was enacted in the aftermath of the Omagh bombing, makes amendments to the Offences against the State Acts 1939-1985, the State’s main body of counter-terrorist legislation, and created new substantive offences.

The Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act, 2009 was enacted to put in place certain additional legislative measures to tackle organised crime. Among those measures was section 8 which provides that certain organised crime offences are scheduled offences and accordingly shall be tried in the Special Criminal Court, unless the Director of Public Prosecutions otherwise directs.

Both Acts provide that certain provisions shall cease to be in operation unless a Resolution had been passed by each House of the Oireachtas resolving that those provisions should continue in operation for a further 12 months.

The Dáil and Seanad agreed to renew, for a further year, the relevant provisions of both Acts until June 29th 2023.

In addition, there is an ongoing independent expert review of the Offences Against the State Acts and a final report from the Group is expected this autumn.

During the Oireachtas debates the Minister outlined that the threat from dissident paramilitaries remains, that as an open democracy Ireland is not immune from the threat from international terrorism and as such the continuation of the provisions was necessary. The Minister also thanked the members of the Independent Review Group for their ongoing work on reviewing the Offences Against the State Acts, and looked forward to engaging with any recommendations in their final report, expected this autumn.

The Minister stated : “There remains a real and persistent threat from paramilitary groups … It is imperative that our laws and our authorities are properly equipped to deal with the threat.

These groups remain committed to violence and are contemptuous of the vast majority of the people on this island, latter who wish to live their lives in peace.

It is my firm view that the provisions I am seeking renewal of today are important in supporting An Garda Síochána in their efforts to investigate, disrupt and dismantle the activities of terrorists.

Further in relation to organised crime and acknowledging the work of the Gardaí, the Minister said:
“Organised criminal groups have no regard for the rule of law and supporting the great work of An Garda Síochána in tackling organised crime remains a priority for the Government.

The Government is fully committed to giving An Garda Síochána the necessary resources to continue the work of combatting those involved in organised crime. As Minister for Justice, I want to acknowledge that work. An Garda Síochána continue to make significant seizures of drugs and firearms; they continue to bring organised criminals to justice and importantly they continue to prevent further loss of life.

The clear view of the Garda Commissioner, Mr Drew Harris, is that the continued operation of these provisions is required, and I fully support his view”.


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