There will be a change to payment schedules for thousands of social welfare recipients this Eastertide 2022.

Please do keep in mind that opening hours for Post Offices and Intreo Offices may also differ from the norm, over this Easter upcoming bank holiday period.
The Department of Social Protection has announced how recipients of various social welfare payment may be affected by the upcoming 2022 Easter holiday period, here in the Irish Republic.
Back to Work Allowance & Back to Work Family Dividend: (Payment due: Monday 18th April). Payment available: Thursday 14th April.
Casual Jobseeker’s: (Payment due: Tuesday 12th April). Payment available: Tuesday 12th April.
Disability Allowance: (Payment due: Wednesday 13th April). Payment available: Wednesday 13th April.
Disablement Benefit: (Payment due: Friday 15th April). Payment available: Thursday 14th April.
Farm Assist: (Payment due: Tuesday 12th April). Payment available: Tomorrow Monday 11th April.
Illness Benefit: (Payment due: Wednesday 13th April). Payment available: Tuesday 12th April. Note; (While those due Payment on Thursday 14th April). Payment will be available: Wednesday 13th April.
Invalidity Pension; One Parent Family Payment; Carer’s Allowance & Carer’s Benefit : (Payment due: Thursday 14h April). Payment available: Wednesday 13th April.
Jobseeker’s Allowance: (Payment due: Tuesday 12th April). Payment available: Tomorrow Monday 11th April.
Jobseeker’s Benefit: (Payment due: Wednesday 13th April). Payment available: Tuesday 12th April.
Maternity Benefit: (Payment due: Monday 18th April). Payment available: Thursday 14th April
Partial Capacity Benefit: (Payment due: Friday 15th April). Payment available: Thursday 14th April.
Paternity Benefit: (Payment due: Monday 18th April). Payment available: Thursday 14th April.
State Pension (Contributory) & State Pension (Non Contributory) (Payment due: Friday 15th April). Payment available: Thursday 14th April.
Widow’s/Widower’s/Civil Partner’s (Contributory) Pension: (Payment due: Friday 15th April). Payment available: Thursday 14th April.
Widow’s/Widower’s/Civil Partner’s (Non- Contributory) Pension:(Payment due: Friday 15th April). Payment available: Thursday 14th April.
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