Products made by an Irish manufacturing coffee brand, which was infused with cannabidiol (CBD) have been recalled, after the business was forced to close by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, back on November 11th 2021.
The closure order was issued to Mr Minhang Wu, Karma Food & Beverage Ltd, 10-12 Mill Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.

According to the FSAI, the reason for the closure order, was due to a lack of effective HACCP based food safety management procedures and possible food safety hazards, associated with the production of alcohol and the use of same alcohol in the production process for Cannabidiol (CBD) oil.
On Tuesday January 18th 2022, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland announced that certain batches of Kama Hemp Kama Artisan Coffee were being recalled due to the presence of unsafe levels of delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), based on the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) acute reference dose.
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), better known as THC, is the marijuana plant’s primary component for causing psychoactive effects.
All distributors are now requested to withdraw the affected batches, shown hereunder, from the market. Retailers are requested to remove the implicated batches from sale and to display a point-of-sale recall notice in stores where the affected batches were sold and on websites if sold online.

Consumers are advised not to drink the implicated batches.
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