
Killer Covid-19 Cases Reach 5,140 On Irish Mainland Today.

The Department of Health has confirmed 3,735 new cases of Covid-19, here in the Irish Republic, over the past 24 hour period.

There remain 566 patients with Covid in hospitals, up 30 since yesterday, and of there their are 117 patients receiving treatment in intensive care units asross the State; a decrease of one on yesterday’s reported figures.

The Department of Health has further confirmed that NPHET’s Epidemiological Team is meeting regularly this weekend to monitor the ‘Omicron’ variant situation in Europe and are currently considering possible further required restrictions.

While there remain growing concerns around the new COVID-19 variant, ‘Omicron‘, the doctor who discovered it, Dr Angelique Coetzee, Chairperson of the South African Medical Association has stated that the symptoms are very mild and while she suspects the strain to spread widely in Europe, she has only seen two hospitalised cases to date.

The Dutch National Institute for Public Health (RIVM) have identified at least 13 cases of the new Omicron strain among 61 quarantined passengers, latter who tested positive for coronavirus after arriving there from South Africa.

In Northern Ireland, a further 1,405 new cases of coronavirus were reported todat, over a similar period, down from 1,482 yesterday.
Sadly, 2 further Covid-19-related deaths have been reported in Northern Ireland, bringing their total number of deaths, linked to Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, to 2,869.

Continue to listen to science and do continue to keep yourself and your family safe by regularly washing your hands; wearing a mask when appropriate, and cut down on unnecessary social contacts.


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