
Covid-19 Cases Reach 2,922 In Past 24 Hours On Irish Mainland.

The Department of Health has confirmed 1,631 new cases of Covid-19 here in the Irish Republic, within the past 24 hours.

There are 503 patients in our hospitals suffering from the virus, down 10 on the same time yesterday.

Of these however, 101 patients are in ICUs, around the country, an increase of 4 from yesterday’s reported figures. Some 67 people, sadly, have died here in the Republic of Ireland in the last 7 days from the virus.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan has stated that Covid-19 is growing at a rate that is concerning and it would be very sensible for those who visited nightclubs, last weekend, and in the future, to stay away from vulnerable people over the days following.
Meanwhile, nightclub and live venue operators have been told that rules requiring tickets to be booked at least one hour in advance, will take effect from tomorrow. The guidelines which outlined how the new system will work, were published on Friday last.

In Northern Ireland, 1,291 Covid cases have also been reported in the past 24 hours. An additional 6 deaths, sadly, have also been reported.

A medical panel of US government advisers have now endorsed the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for children aged between 5-11, thus paving the way for younger children to get immunised within the coming weeks.

The Executive Director of the World Health Organization, Dr Michael Ryan has stated that he remains critical of pharmaceutical companies whom he said are making profit by manufacturing doses for countries who have two or more times the supplies they require and are failing to share with their COVAX programme.

Choosing to get vaccinated is an act of protection for yourself, as it may save your life; but it is also an act of solidarity with others; the more of us that get vaccinated, the safer we all will be.


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