
Over Past 24 Hours 3,427 New Covid-19 Cases Confirmed On Island Of Ireland.

The Department of Health has confirmed 1,997 new cases of Covid-19, in the Republic of Ireland today. There are presently 324 people being treated in our hospitals and of these, 61 patients are being treated in our intensive care units (ICUs), latter an increase of 2 on yesterday’s figures.

In Northern Ireland, 1,430 positive cases have been recorded today, with , sadly a further 6 deaths have been reported in the past 24 hours.

The above confirmed figures bring to 3,427, in total, the number of new Covid-19 cases present on the whole island of Ireland, reported over the past 24 hours.

The Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan has stated that the current levels of transmission are simply too high, adding that it is important that we continue to follow the public health advice, especially this weekend.

With “Walk in vaccination centres” continuing this weekend for those aged 12 and over, the uptake among same has remained slow, with about 50% only having come forward for vaccination so far.
Nevertheless, Ireland remains now second in Europe in terms of vaccine uptake.

Please stay safe over this weekend, your life may depend on it.


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