
Learn About Irish Garden Birds For Free.

With this week, being Biodiversity Week (May 15th-23rd), why not take a walk, enjoy the sunshine (in the company of an umbrella) and take some time to make the acquaintance of the rich variety of garden birds that visit our garden’s and hedgerows daily.

Today, The Irish Times, in association with BirdWatch Ireland, are giving away a magnificent glossy poster featuring Ireland’s twenty most common garden birds, including robins, thrushes, different types of crows, tits and finches; all contained in today’s newspaper.

The poster is illustrated by Mike Langman, with expert notes by Niall Hatch of BirdWatch Ireland. The poster is double-sided and content appears in both the English and Irish language. It’s an excellent reference and a great resource for adults, children and classrooms alike.

In addition, and from today, an interactive page with information on the featured birds and an audio of each bird’s song can be found by clicking HERE.


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