
Modern Street Lamps Being Erected In A New Look Liberty Square, In Thurles.

Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord.

(Ref: Book of common prayer).

For those of you wondering why gaps were being left in the paving on our new, state of the art, granite style, footpaths, now taking shape on Liberty Square here in Thurles; today your silent curiosity may have been rewarded by a possible rejoinder.

The next phase of the Liberty Square rejuvenation project is underway and will see state of the art street lighting installed around our town centre.

Claremorris, Co. Mayo based firm ‘Electric Skyline Limited’ are responsible for this stage of the project. The public lighting specialists are installing dual lamplight heads that will provide lighting separately for both the footpath and the main through route.

The style of street lamps chosen [see image above] appear perhaps a shade modern when related to shop buildings, nevertheless they are sure to be admired by many, with the removal of unsightly ESB cables, that for years have relentlessly monopolized the Thurles Town centre skyline.

After months of continuous, yet necessary, plastic bollards and barriers, it is great to see some of the vision behind this major project, starting to materialise above ground level.


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