
Covid-19 Update: Wed. 17th March 2021 – 17 Deaths – 557 New Cases

24 new killer Covid-19 cases confirmed in Co. Tipperary.

Only YOU and YOU alone can stop the current chain of virus transmission.

Known Covid-19 Cases Worldwide.

The Department of Health has confirmed that there has been 17 further deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll, here in the Republic of Ireland, remaining at 4,566.

There have been 557 new additional virus cases reported here within the Irish Republic. This leaves the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception, here in the Irish Republic, at 228,215.

Of the cases today; 24 are in Tipperary, 229 in Dublin, 23 in Meath, 58 in Kildare, 34 in Donegal, 31 in Meath, with the remaining 181 cases located across all other counties.

Some 199 cases have been confirmed in Co. Tipperary in the last 14 days, up to midnight last night. There have been 5,160 virus cases confirmed here in Co. Tipperary, since the pandemic began, up to and including March 15th, 2021.

There are 350 people with Covid-19 in hospital today, and of that number, 83 are in ICU’s, according to Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub.

Some 452,554 first doses of Covid-19 vaccines were administered by the Health Service Executive (HSE) here in Ireland up to March 13th, with 164,496 persons having received their second dose.

The total worldwide number of virus cases identified up to 5.30 pm this evening, now stands at almost 120.85 million confirmed, with global deaths at well over 2.67 million.

Please follow public health advice for the remainder of this festival and continue to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day safely at home. Avoid large gatherings and house parties.


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