
Learn to Knit & Crochet Free During COVID-19 Lockdown

With level 5 restrictions set to stay in place until at least April, many people are taking up new, stay safe, hobbies; chief among them knitting and crochet.

As well as the personal pride and satisfaction one gets from creating something from scratch, knitting and crocheting have other great benefits.

Research confirms, what many knitting and crochet enthusiasts already knew, that knitting and crocheting is great for our mental health. The repetitive nature of knitting and crocheting reduces anxiety and increases a sense of calm and well-being. Knitting and crocheting also have valuable social benefits, because they bring together people who share an interest in these crafts.

Where to Start?
YouTube offers thousands of videos on beginning to knit and crochet, but the one we recommend is the HappyBerry Knitting and Crocheting Channel. The presenter uses craft materials, terms and measurements used in Ireland and presents clear and easy guides on how to get started.

Knitting for Absolute Beginners.
For step by step clear demonstrations on basic knitting stitches and patterns, visit the YouTube channel by clicking HERE.

Crochet for Absolute Beginners.
For easy to follow tutorials on the basic crochet stitches, as well as great beginner crochet projects, visit the YouTube Channel by clicking HERE

Top Tip.
ALDI regularly offer ‘special buy’ crafting events. Watch out for great deals on wool and needles in your local Thurles ALDI store, located at Kickham Street, Thurles, soon.

Share Your Ideas.
If you have recently come across any good videos or websites dedicated to knitting or crochet post a comment on this website and share your link.


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