
2020 – Clonmel Gardaí Seize €275,000 In Drugs & Cash

Last February 2020, additional manpower was added to the District Drug Unit in Clonmel. The unit now consists of one Sergeant and four Gardaí.

As a result of this increase in staffing, detections of those involved in the sale and supply of drugs are up 70%, whilst incidents of simple possession are up 74%.

Suspected drugs such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, MDMA, alprazolam, cannabis and diazepam, with an estimated street value of €256,000, were seized along with over €20,000 in cash.

Speaking at Clonmel Garda Station, Superintendent William Leahy stated:

“We have an extremely committed group of Gardaí attached to our drugs unit here in Clonmel. With the support of our uniform Gardaí, they have a proactive approach to targeting street level drug dealing. For 2021, we will continue to disrupt and dismantle drug dealing networks and organized crime groups that effect our town so negatively”.

Drug use is a problem that we, An Garda Siochana, can’t solve alone. It is a societal issue and requires a societal response.
People who think it is ok to use drugs on a recreational basis, and think its harmless, are only fooling themselves. Not only are they damaging their health, they are also funding organised crime. Drugs have an impact on so many lives and remains a contributing factor in public order, assaults and collisions on our roads.
If you see or hear of any drug activity, please pick up the phone and call the Gardaí.”


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