
Covid-19 Update: Sun. 29th Nov. 2020 – 2 Deaths – 299 New Cases.

The Department of Health have confirmed this evening that there have been sadly 2 deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll, here in the Republic of Ireland, remaining at 2,052.

There are 299 new additional cases reported today, leaving the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception in the Irish Republic, at 72,241.

Of this evening’s confirmed cases; 94 are in Dublin; 41 are in Donegal; 27 in Wicklow; 14 in Louth; 13 in Limerick; with the remaining 110 cases located across 20 other counties.

This evening there are 257 patients with coronavirus in Irish hospitals with 30 people in intensive care units, (ICU’s).

Other Covid-19 News
Counties where “wet pubs” reopened at the end of September last, experienced an increase in the 14-day incidence rate of Covid-19 just ten days later. This increase was not observed to the same extent in Dublin, where “wet pubs”, were not permitted to reopen.
Minister for Health Mr Stephen Donnelly has publically stated that the evidence is completely clear in relation to wet pub openings, and proves that they same pub openings can lead to superspreader events within the local communities.

There have been sadly 3 further coronavirus-related deaths reported in Northern Ireland, with a further 351 individuals having tested positive for the virus. The PSNI have stated that they have fined 44 people and issued a further 4 notices to others, following three house parties at Castle Street, University Avenue and Sandymount Street, in Belfast city, just last night.

Total global cases up to 5.30pm this evening, now stand at over 62.3 million with global deaths at well over 1.45 million.

Remember: “Spread the Message, not the Virus”.


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