Tipperary Gardaí, as part of their war on the sale and supply of illegal drugs, have seized drugs to the estimate value of €5,000, from a field in Clonmel, South Co. Tipperary.

As part of an ongoing operation specifically targeting the sale and supply of amphetamine and other drugs in Tipperary; Gardaí from the Clonmel District Drugs Unit, assisted by uniformed Gardaí from Clonmel Garda Station, carried out a search on a house in the Old Bridge area of Clonmel, close to Raheen Road, at around 1:00pm today.
As part of their exploration, Gardaí searched an adjacent field to this property and discovered cocaine to the value of €4,250, cannabis herb to the value of €500, together with alprazolam valued at €150.
The latter drug Alprazolam is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect.
To date no arrests have been made, however Gardai are following a definite line of enquiry.
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