It had been widely broadcast by local Town Councillors, that work on the revamping of Liberty Square in Thurles would commence in August 2019. Now however, according to Co. Council officials, the first week of September last, only saw tenders being sought for the first time.

Plans had been finalised and initially announced in February 2017, now nearly 3 years later, the successful contractor is expected to be appointed in mid-October 2019, possibly start work on the new car park at the end of October or early November of this year, on the new carpark, demolished some 16 months ago and then neglected. The appointed contractor is expected to finish this carpark area by March or April of 2020, thus hopefully continuing to grant consumer access to the centre of Thurles.
In February / March of 2020, the Co. County officials promise that we should see the beginning of the temporary, yet necessary removal of some currently existing street furniture on Liberty Square itself, followed by new road re-alignments and the later re-introduction of both old and new street furniture, together with the new revised traffic management plan.
When it comes to announcements from reticent, cagy and guarded officials in Tipperary Co. Council, we have all learned to refrain from holding our breath.
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