
“Calling” Required By Thurles Social Warriors

Attention all you Thurles Social Warriors, Thurles Lobbyists, Thurles Community Facebook Activists; failed, power hungry, would-be, Thurles Local Councillors and Sleepy, Powerless, Crusading Tipperary County Councillors, who once again have managed to fool the local electorate.

Please find a new task requiring your active lobbying; same shown above to be shared on Facebook. [Pictures make it easier for those lobbyists unable to read.]

The above are called drains; their purpose, to remove excess water from road surfaces. Unfortunately every 5 years or so, they require cleaning, a process quite difficult when no council workers are being employed. [Check Golf Club and Nenagh roads entering the town.]

However, I think all would agree that come winter, especially when leaves begin to fall, expect severe flooding and ice patches, if this neglect is allowed to continue.

Oh, and when you are finished with solving the former problem do what you do best, go “Calling” for action on this other problem shown immediately above, before a pedestrian falls over them on the pavement in the dark.


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