
Big Surprise Down In Thurles Library On July 11th

“The Teddy Bear’s Picnic”

[With sincere apologies to the late, great, Irish songwriter Jimmy Kennedy (1902-1984)]

“If you go down to the Library, July 11th, you’re sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the Library, on that date, you’d better go in disguise!
For every bear that ever there was, will gather there for certain, because
July 11th is the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic.”

Ms Suzanne Brosnan (Senior Library Assistant), Tipperary County Council Library Service, takes up the story from here:-

“Join us in Thurles library on Thursday 11th July at 11.30am for our annual Teddy Bears Picnic.

Bring along your Teddy (big or small) for a special trip to Thurles Library to hear some stories, songs and colouring. We will have some yummy ice-cream for the children as a special treat!

Weather permitting story-time will take place on the boardwalk outside, so please feel free to bring along your picnic blanket!

Remember, as with all events at Thurles Library; please notify your intention to be in attendance with a member of our Thurles Library staff at the desk or by phoning us on 0761-06-6131. [After all, we don’t want to run out of ice-cream.]
We look forward to meeting lots of Teddy Bears in Thurles Library on the day!

Summer Stars Reading Challenge

Have you joined the Summer Stars Reading Challenge yet? There’s still plenty of time, so call into Thurles Library today and register for your free reading pack at the desk.

The Summer Stars encourages children to read books during the summer and track their progress on their reading card. When the card is completed return the card with all your details on it and pop it into the box provided.

The staff will contact you at the end of the summer holidays invite you to the certificate presentation in September. There are lots of new titles waiting on our shelves to be read so come along and choose a great summer read!

Remember you can borrow and return your books to any Library in Ireland”.


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