
A Bedtime Story For Elected Public Representatives.

“Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered”. Proverbs 21:13.

It is Friday evening after all and the vast majority of Irish elected, public representatives will be back home with their families, most having completed yet another busy three day week in Dáil Éireann.

As you lie back with your slippered feet crossed, perched on the coffee table; your bottle of Italian Prosecco suitably chilled; we thought that perhaps a four minute short story, read aloud, might help you to fully relax, as you plot your next move in an effort to ingratiate yourself with those who mistakenly gave you power in the first place.

So, with your kids tucked safely in bed, don those headphones, keeping in mind that this short story is not at all suitable for the ears of minors.

“The Tooth” read by Annette Bening.

Written by Avi Slodovnick and illustrated by Manon Gauthier.

Trust you liked our story and, even more importantly, we hope you actually gleaned something from its content, but for God’s sake don’t let your children hear it.

Night, Night all.


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