
Tipperary Co. Co. Grant Aided Offensive Material

Tipperary County Council have confirmed to The Irish Catholic, last month, that it gave grant aid of €400 for the development of a project entitled ‘Bootleg Jesus’, which depicts the title character of a cartoon video coming to terms with his role as the ‘less successful son of God’.

The first two episodes of a ten-episode production, which depicts dialogue between two foul-mouthed characters and which contains references to scenes from the Bible; including ‘walking on water’, was uploaded by Tipperary-based animator Mr Kenny Noble on his Ntoonz YouTube channel, some two weeks ago.

While a County Council arts officer originally defended the paying of this grant towards this considered offensive material, the Local Authority have quietly retracted support for the video series, after requesting Mr Noble, known as NtoonZ, to drop the Councils name from the video credits, which originally appeared at the end of the first video.

Interesting to note that when Tipperary County Council were asked for minimal grant aiding, (€100) some 5 years ago, for the production of a professional tourism video series; same to extol the beneficial virtues of visiting the Lough Derg area of North Tipperary, same request was firmly but politely refused.


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