
Criminal Assets Bureau Identify 29 Targets In Co. Tipperary

The Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) have targeted some 50% more individuals in the past two years; jumping from 600 to 973 individuals currently under investigation this year. This increase in investigations follows briefings previously furnished by CAB officers to all joint policing committees around Ireland; latter briefings credited for the major success in identifying new targets.

A breakdown of those criminals targeted, indicate that some 48% of them are based in our murder / drug / crime ridden capital of Dublin City, with the Western area of the city providing 177 targets; the Southern area 110; the Northern area 80; the North Central division 46, with Dublin South Central and the East some 49 identified criminal targets.

Outside of our crime ridden capital city, the County of Limerick not surprisingly tops the poll with 72 such targets, while in our own County of Tipperary 29 targets have been identified.

Other divisions have targeted 40 each in Meath and Wexford; Kildare 38; Louth 33; Cavan-Monaghan 25; Kerry and Offaly each 22; Kilkenny-Carlow 20; Cork City 18 and Galway 17.

CAB, while continuing to increase their drive against motorised, travelling gangs, latter responsible for the massive increase in rural crime in the past few years; CAB claims to have served some 18 tax assessments against identified suspects this year alone, compared with seven such tax assessments in 2017.

As well as drugs, burglary and theft offences; including their recent success in tackling the stripping down of 4×4 stolen vehicle; CAB has also been active in investigating and clamping down on Social Welfare fraud, with Social Welfare debts collected to-date, well above the figure amassed in 2017.

The bureau has now trained in total 378 profilers from around the country, of which 350 are members of the Gardaí; an increase of one hundred above last year’s figure. CAB claim to have received 177 new cases identified by these local profilers, compared with 101 cases in 2017 and 66 such in 2016.


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