Following a nationwide campaign urging communities to inform on certain individuals, the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) have now identified hundreds of small-time criminals and rural crime gangs in every county. A major clampdown on illicit wealth being flaunted by criminals living the high life, without any visible means of support, is now under way, with CAB officers having drawn up detailed lists of possible suspects.
The Criminal Assets Bureau’s head, Chief Superintendent Pat Clavin, recently embarked on a tour of Garda divisions in the State, addressing 35 local authority Joint Policing Committees to outline necessary initiative and to issue the invitation:- “Your neighbour drives an expensive car, spends lots of money on home improvements and can afford to give their family the most expensive gifts. Money is no object, yet they never appear to work. Contact the CAB today so we can make them pay and take it away”.
Here in Tipperary, a county blitzed by thefts from the farming community, the assets of some 29 suspects are now under serious investigation. To the east and south east of Tipperary, 20 suspects have been identified in the Carlow/Kilkenny Garda division, while up to 40 suspects are being investigated in Wexford, where Dublin crime gangs are understood to retain holiday homes.
West of Co. Tipperary, the bordering region of Co. Limerick has the highest number of CAB targets outside of Co. Dublin, with the homes, motor vehicles and assets of some 73 suspected criminals, under targeted scrutiny. To the south and south-west of Tipperary, some 30 suspects have been pinpointed in the areas covering Cork City, West Cork and Cork North.
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